Introducing Serenity Felting!

I finally put together an online store for all my felted creations, Serenity Felting. I don’t have a lot in there yet but I will be working hard to get more items up there. Please check it out and share the link with your friends.

Sheeps! And other stuff…

So I am back with more pictures of our goings ons in the last few months. Work got really crazy September through November and I am just starting to be able to breathe again… Anyway… Introducing our latest family members… Here they are on the way home from Washington. They are still little enough to fit in dog crate at this point. Shaun is in the front with Mara Jade in the back. I had to take pictures using zoom as they were terrified of me in the beginning… Shaun is quite a bit bigger than Mara Jade but she…
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Where did the summer go?

So it has been months since I posted, I am so sorry, but everything has been moving so quickly and now it’s almost mid-October. I’ll try to catch you up as best I can with the goings on at the farm… On August 1st I went to the Brownville Chicken Swap and bought 3 new chickens; Rose, a blue-laced wyandotte, Camilla, a barnvelder and Katie, a blue copper maran. Unfortunately, Katie injured her legs and we had to peacefully “take-care-of-her”. The other 2 are still here though. Also, this summer, we finally brought the 3 other girls home but in…
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It’s been a busy month!

So I realize that I haven’t posted in a long time! So much has happened! Let me catch you up. First, we tried to reintroduce Belle (the picked on chicken) back to the coop and she was immediately attacked again so we decided that she would be a free range chicken but she needed a friend for companionship and protection so I looked online for a free rooster and the internet did not disappoint! Meet Beaker! He is a fabulous Polish Rooster and he LOVES Belle! He follows her everywhere and makes sure she is safe. He even lets her…
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Finally Finished! (mostly)

Last week and weekend was a flurry of activity; getting all the fencing done and having 2 of the alpacas (Sunny and Taiga) delivered to us on Saturday. They have been spending these last few days exploring their new home and Sunday they got to head out to the field. They are loving the tall grass and fur trees. Taiga saw some deer in the neighbor’s field and I got to hear her alarm call for the first time. I had to laugh because it sounds just like a squeaky chair. She didn’t seem particularly upset but I think she…
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All about alpacas!

Getting the farm ready for the alpacas continues… The hay feeder is done and we have electricity…                                     We began digging holes for the fence posts. And we have an AWESOME neighbor with a tractor who helped us fill in the trench from last week!  We LOVE him!!                                              But the best part of the weekend was the alpaca shearing at EasyGo Farm!       Here is Sunny – before and after                         Tiara – before and after        …
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Trenching Drama

So first of all, Alice the broken toe chicken update, I brought her to the vet and it was determined that the toe would heal and there was little risk of infection. Whew! Now on to the rest of the weekend… We are having an electrician come out this week to install electricity to our shed and barn so we needed to dig a trench from the house to the outbuildings. Dan had originally planned to dig this trench by hand with a shovel (approx 300 feet, 24 inches deep) until the electrician suggested he get a trencher. So on…
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Memorial Day Weekend 2015

This weekend was very interesting! On Saturday we drove up to Elma, Washington to visit Bush Creek Farm and their flock of Barbados Blackbelly sheep. Rita and Tony have the biggest flock west of the Rockies. We spent the afternoon with them learning about the sheep and decided on getting 4 babies in mid-August, 3 ewes and a ram. My plan is to not have a plan, initially, and let them breed whenever they want. I am not sure how this plan (non-plan) is going to work out but we can always modify if situations arise. The sheep will be…
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